Bookworm Adventures 2 Full Version
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Bookworm Adventures 2 Full Version Rar
Bookworm Adventures Overview Bookworm Adventures Free Download for PC is a follow-up to the word-forming computer puzzle game Bookworm from PopCap Games. Released in November 2006, Bookworm Adventures combines the «create words from sets of letters» aspect of Bookworm with several elements of a role-playing video game. In the 2007 Interactive Achievement Awards, Bookworm Adventures won the «Downloadable Game of the Year».[1] The game also won three Zeeby awards for Best Word & Trivia Game of 2006, Best Game Design of 2006 and Best Story/Narrative of 2006.[2] A sequel for Bookworm Adventures, Bookworm Adventures: Volume 2, was released on July 30, 2009.
Popcap Bookworm Free Game Online
Download latest version of Bookworm Adventure.
In contrast to the lower production budgets typical of most «casual games», PopCap Games spent over two and a half years and US$700,000 developing Bookworm Adventures.[3] Although the direct sales model used by the company avoids various distribution and retail fees, this still represents one of the most expensive investments in the genre to date. John Vechey, PopCap's director, indicated that this did seem to be a departure from the previous model, noting that 'A couple years ago, the prevailing wisdom was that it took three guys six months and $100,000 to make a casual game. They used to be considered a low art form.[3]' Gameplay Players guide Lex the Bookworm (voiced by Chief Creative Officer of PopCap, Jason Kapalka) through a number of stages, battling creatures along the way (which are largely based on Greek Mythology, tales from 1001 Arabian Nights and Gothic fiction, while the foes in the game's sequel are based on Fairy tales, Chinese mythology and Science fiction). Each battle consists of Lex squaring off against a given foe. Both Lex and his adversary have health meters (represented by a number of hearts), which, when depleted, signal defeat.